Музыка из сборника Нино Рота - величайшие кинохиты (5CD)

Ниже представлены все музыкальные композиции, которые входят в этот саундтрек. Прежде чем скачать музыку из сборника «Нино Рота - величайшие кинохиты (5CD)» вы можете ознакомиться с треклистом альбома, чтобы убедиться, что mp3 с необходимой вам музыкой включен в данный саундтрек.
Треклист диска с музыкой из сборника «Нино Рота - величайшие кинохиты (5CD)»:
01. The Godfather I: Main title; the Godfather waltz (3:09)
02. The Godfather I: I have but one heart (3:01)
03. The Godfather I: The pick-up (2:10)
04. The Godfather I: Connie's wedding (1:38)
05. The Godfather I: The halls of fear (2:17)
06. The Godfather I: Sicilian pastorale (1:35)
07. The Godfather I: Love theme from 'The Godfather' (2:47)
08. The Godfather I: The Godfather waltz (3:44)
09. The Godfather I: Apollonia (1:26)
10. The Godfather I: The new godfather (2:05)
11. The Godfather I: The baptism (1:55)
12. The Godfather I: The Godfather; finale (4:02)
13. The Godfather II: Main title; the immigrant (2:50)
14. The Godfather II: A new carpet (2:03)
15. The Godfather II: Kay (2:45)
16. The Godfather II: Every time I look in your eyes; after the party (2:39)
17. The Godfather II: Vito and Abbondando (2:39)
18. The Godfather II: Senza Mama-Ciuri Ciuri-Napule ve salute (2:37)
19. The Godfather II: The Godfather at home (2:39)
20. The Godfather II: Remember Vito Andolini (2:55)
21. The Godfather II: Michael comes home (2:21)
22. The Godfather II: Marcia stile italiano (1:55)
23. The Godfather II: Ninna nanna a Michele (2:25)
24. The Godfather II: The brothers mourn (3:24)
25. The Godfather II: Murder of Don Fanucci; marcia religiosa (4:24)
26. The Godfather II: Murder of Don Fanucci; marcia festa (1:40)
27. The Godfather II: The Godfather II; end title (4:14)
01. The Godfather III: Main title (0:44)
02. The Godfather III: Godfather waltz (1:12)
03. The Godfather III: Marcia religiosa (2:50)
04. The Godfather III: Michael's letter (1:14)
05. The Godfather III: The immigrant-Love theme of The Godfather III (2:29)
06. The Godfather III: Godfather waltz (1:27)
07. The Godfather III: To each his own (3:23)
08. The Godfather III: Vincent's theme (1:49)
09. The Godfather III: Altobello (2:11)
10. The Godfather III: The Godfather III; intermezzo (3:22)
11. The Godfather III: Va pensiero (2:11)
12. The Godfather III: Tarantella (3:15)
13. The Godfather III: Mazurka alla siciliana (2:49)
14. The Godfather III: Promise me you'll remember (5:14)
15. The Godfather III: Preludio (from 'Cavalleria Rusticana') (6:11)
16. The Godfather III: A casa amiche (from 'Cavalleria Rusticana') (2:02)
17. The Godfather III: Preghiera (from 'Cavalleria Rusticana') (5:32)
18. The Godfather III: Finale (from 'Cavalleria Rusticana') (8:15)
19. The Godfather III: Coda; The Godfather III (2:03)
01. Lo sceicco bianco (2:36)
02. I vitelloni (2:15)
03. La strada (3:33)
04. Il bidone (3:01)
05. Le notti di Cabiria (4:42)
06. La dolce vita (6:30)
07. La dolce vita: Finale (3:04)
08. Boccaccio '70 (2:05)
09. 8 1-2 (4:31)
10. Carlotta's galop from 8 1-2 (2:35)
11. Giulietta degli spiriti (4:07)
12. Il charleston di Giulietta (1:31)
13. Tre passi nel delirio (4:13)
14. Fellini Satyricon (2:07)
15. I clowns (5:33)
16. Roma (4:04)
17. Amarcord (6:17)
18. La gradisca e il principe (2:30)
19. Il Casanova di Federico Fellini (6:50)
20. Prova d'orchestra (4:01)
01. Treno popolare (5:44)
02. La freccia nel fianco (1:35)
03. Roma cittа libera (2:09)
04. Pirates of Capri (1:48)
05. Fuga in Francia (3:42)
06. The glass mountain (4:39)
07. Napoli milionaria (6:02)
08. Obsession: The hidden room (1:12)
09. Filumena Marturano (1:04)
10. Totт e i re di Roma (1:25)
11. Anna (1:54)
12. L'ennemi public n.1 (2:06)
13. Le boulanger de Valorgue (0:45)
14. La grande speranza (1:19)
15. Un eroe dei nostri tempi (1:28)
16. War and Peace Pt. I (6:36)
17. War and Peace Pt. II (5:07)
01. Le notti bianche (2:50)
02. Fortunella: Buongiorno Fortunella (2:07)
03. La grande guerra (3:03)
04. Rocco e i suoi fratelli (4:51)
05. Rocco e i suoi fratelli: Addio a Nadia (2:22)
06. I due nemici (2:18)
07. Boccaccio '70 (4:57)
08. The reluctant saint (1:45)
09. Il gattopardo (6:00)
10. The taming of the shrew (4:06)
11. Romeo and Juliet: Love theme (2:45)
12. Waterloo: Waterloo battle (2:23)
13. Sunste, sunrise (2:54)
14. Film d'amore e d'anarchia (2:34)
15. Death on the Nile (2:48)
16. Amor di poeta (Opera) (1:19)
17. Hurricane (3:10)
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